Star: Liesl, you're like the Cory to my Shawn.
Me: .......Who's Cory?
Star *picks herself up off the floor after dropping over in shock and horror*
Needless to say, she decided to fix that problem real quickly, so we spent the rest of the semester watching all the episodes of seasons 1-4, in order. She was right by the way.... I'm totally the Cory to her Shawn.
Anyway, I never made it to the 5th and 6th seasons, since she didn't have them on DVD, and I hadn't yet discovered the beauty of streaming tv shows on the internet (I swear, I didn't ACTUALLY live under a rock for most of my life. Only part of it). Recently, my younger sister borrowed the first season from one of her friends, and we got hooked on the show again.
And I've discovered something. Topanga Lawrence is seriously one of my favorite tv characters of all time. She's just awesome. And here's why.
1. She calls her parents Jedediah and Chloe. At their suggestion.
2. In season 1, she does this interpretive dance to a poem she wrote, called "Donut in the Sky." It's about the sun and the environment, and she makes Cory read it while she does a dance. Observe:
3. When Cory is sick, she brings him tea to "help him cleanse his aura." It's like the Topanga version of chicken noodle soup.
4. Her hair. Just look at all these photos of her hair.
5. She calls Cory, "my little butthead."

6. "I do my thing and you do your thing. You are you and I am I. And if in the end we end up together, it's beautiful."
7. When Cory asks how she's doing, she replies, "Well, Mercury is in retrograde, making projects difficult to complete and causing general chaos in the universe."
8. She goes just a liiiiittle bit crazy that one time that she eats ONE meatball. One.
9. She lets Cory call her "Topey." Like Dopey, but with a T.
10. "How do you 'accidentally' kiss someone?! Did she slip and your lips broke her fall??"
11. In the back in time episode, she's a 50s rebel chick, and when Cory mentions how tall her hair is, she says, "Look buddy, if I see an air-o-plane, I'll duck, alright?" [you've gotta say it in the accent so it sounds right]
12. And her name is Topanga. Coming from someone with a more unusual name, this one really just spoke to me. I would totally name my kid after her. But also this happens in a later episode:
I'm quite sure there are so many other reasons why Topanga is awesome, so feel free to tell me in the comments!