Friday, February 22, 2013


Last night I had a dream that I could split an apple perfectly in half, just by twisting it with my hands. Don't try to tell me that wouldn't be an awesome real life power.
While it may seem like a strange thing to dream about, it is no doubt brought on by the fact that I've been eating apples for lunch basically every day for the last week and a half. My mom and I have been on a Daniel Fast for Lent. It's not a total fast, but more of a super strict Vegan-like diet that is based off of two passages from the book of Daniel in the Bible:

  • Daniel 1:12- "Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink."
  • Daniel 10:3- "I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over."
When you put these two together, you come up with two basic rules: 1. Eat only foods that grow from a seed. 2. Drink only water.
Let me tell you, this is no small feat. While the amount of food you can eat is rather astounding.... the majority of it, you can't. Our diet basically consists of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. Because the Daniel Fast also takes into consideration traditional Jewish fasting laws, eating anything with yeast is also out of the picture, so no bread. This has produced some really tasty meals--one of my favorites so far has been the Curry Broccoli and Cauliflower. Of course, we've also had some duds... one was some sort of Tofu Frittata (if you're really into that kind of thing, the recipe is the second one on this page).
It's becoming very apparent just how much I think about food... it's crazy. I find myself constantly thinking about how many days I have left until I'm done (about 35). I'm always wanting to eat something sweet (especially chocolate). And craving things I don't normally eat that much of (like cheese curls... how often do I actually eat cheese curls, why am I craving them SO MUCH?!). It's been a great exercise in discipline and control. I've had to retrain myself to start praying when I find myself craving pleasure foods. 
But dang it, I sure do miss my coffee.

Click here if you want more information about the Daniel Fast!

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