Monday, April 1, 2013

Top 5 songs to beat the "Monday Blues"

Nobody likes Mondays.

Okay, maybe a small percentage of people like Mondays. Or don't care about Mondays. Like when we were at NTI and worked all through the weekend, Mondays didn't matter because it was just another day.

But lots of people don't like Mondays, myself included. Once I've woken up and gotten my day started, it's not too bad. But still, that Monday morning drive to work can really be a drag, especially if I stayed up late the night before, or if I don't have something exciting in my lunch to look forward to. So I came up with a list of my top 5 favorite songs to listen to on the way to work. Now, my drive to work takes about 12 minutes, so I can't quite get them all in, and sometimes they're just so fun that I listen to them more than once, but it also doubles as a list to listen to on the way home from work.

1. "Be a Man" from Mulan. I mean, come on, this is like the greatest Mulan song ever!

2. "I Just Can't Wait to be King" from Lion King. Because who doesn't want to be king??

3. "Sadie Hawkins Dance" by RelientK. Ahh, the 90s. Also, this is back before bands regularly made music videos of their songs.

4. "Good Morning George" from VeggieTales. Umm, duh, best wake-up song ever. When I went to summer camp in 4th grade, our counselor used to blast this song every morning at like 7am to wake us up.

5. "Love Today" by MIKA. Ohhhh, yes. Shout-out to Lyss, Rach and Maddie for introducing me to MIKA in like 9th grade.

Bonus song (in case you have extra time in your morning commute). "Step Up to the Microphone" by Newsboys. Oldie (no music video) but goodie :)

Obviously this list is subject to change at any moment. We all know how these things go.

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