Sunday, March 31, 2013


Okay, okay, I know I'm totally jumping on this bandwagon WAY late, but seriously, I laughed out loud for like ten minutes while watching this video over and over and over. 

My serious disgust for this song in general just makes this version even better. And it's funny cuz we used to have goats. For most of my life, actually. See? Baby Liesl (on the left) with a baby goat.

Notice the leash... we always led them around and had big plans for teaching them to pull a cart. Not that we had a cart.

Sometimes Mom even let us have them in the house... how can you say no to those cute little faces?! (Yup, that's LeeBee and Christy in 1998).

We just always had goats. Alllllllllll the way until 2003. Even thirteen-year-old Liesl loved baby goats.

1 comment:

  1. Beeehhhhhh.
    love it.
    Let's buy a farm and raise goats. we can start a commune with all of our friends. and have goats.
