Friday, March 1, 2013

10 foods I just really want to eat right now

1. Chocolate. Specifically dark chocolate. And with peanut butter.

2. Coffee, with french vanilla creamer. I didn't get a caffeine headache when I stopped drinking it for the fast, but I just really miss drinking it. Especially in the morning. Mom and I have breakfast together before I leave for work, and it's just not the same without coffee.

3. Fudge. There have been three pans of fudge (Cookies and Cream, Cappuccino, and Vanilla Nut) sitting on the lunch table at work for the past few weeks. And it's driving me crazy.

4. Also, this food board has been staring me in the face all week. This picture is bad quality, but the food just looks SO GOOD. Our public relations woman really outdid herself, the pictures make me want to buy ALL THE FOOD.

5. Ice cream. Cookie Dough or Double Dunker. Or both. At the same time. With chocolate syrup and caramel.

6. Really buttery popcorn. I've been eating popcorn since we make it ourselves, and it fits with the fast because it's natural. But it's not the same when you just sprinkle a little bit of salt on it. It needs some butter. Lots of it.

7. Cheetos. Aside from not knowing exactly what a cheeto is, I have been craving them like crazy recently. And I'm not really sure why, because I don't eat them very often.

8. Cheese. Specifically port wine cheese, but really I miss all kinds. I just love cheese.

9. Milk. At least I'm not trying to eat sweets without it. That would be terrible.

10. Bacon. I mean, I miss Thursday Night Breakfast-for-Dinner in general, so also eggs and toast. But specifically bacon.

This fast has definitely been a struggle this week.

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