Saturday, March 16, 2013

Favorite smells that make the world a better place

Our sense of smell is really an amazing thing. It's pretty much the strongest sense, and it's amazing how even the faintest smell can bring a wave of memories washing back over you. We all have those smells that remind us of home or of a better time, or the ones that just smell SO GOOD that it makes you want to eat ALL THE FOOD.

1. Freshly cut grass. Not only is this the best indicator that it is now officially spring, but there is just something fresh and new about the smell of cut grass. It makes me want to go outside and lay on the grass in the sun and read a book.

2. Bread baking. If you've ever walked into a bakery in the morning, you know what I'm talking about. But luckily, this can also be achieved at home, especially if you have a mom who loves to bake bread. Thank goodness I do. There is nothing better than bread that is still warm because it just came out of the oven, and the butter almost melts before you even put it on the bread. That's how awesome it is.

3. Chocolate chip cookies. Especially when they've just been baked, so they are warm and gooey and chocolatey. It's amazing how it makes the whole house smells like chocolate.

4. Bacon. You could be frying a single piece of bacon at the next closest farm, down the hill and across the way... and I would still smell it. That is how potent the smell is. It's strong enough to get my butt out of bed on Saturday morning (in fact, it's probably the only thing capable of getting me up earlier than lunch time). I've had to ask my family to refrain from making bacon during my Daniel fast, because I think it would drive me crazy.

5. The ocean. There's nothing like rolling your window down and KNOWING you're within a few miles of the beach because you can smell the salt in the air. It's refreshing and tangy and so summer-y. Seriously, summer needs to get here asap.

6. Coffee. It is just a wonderful thing in so many ways. But the smell of a coffee shop makes me feel inspired and studious and like I want to curl up in a corner with a blanket and read a book. Or write a book.

7. Cucumber melon. This is my favorite scent of body wash. It smells like cool and sleek and fruity all rolled into one. I tried it as perfume, though, and didn't like it. It's strictly a body wash scent.

8. Cologne. I'm a pretty big fan of most guys wearing cologne. Unless they are drowning in Axe, then I just feel like I'm suffocating. But generally speaking, I like the smell of cologne. There are some that I like more than others, but I don't actually know what any of them are called, only the boys who wear them.

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